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Can Food Help With Concentration?

Can Food Help With Concentration

Can food help with concentration and does it really matter?

Would you pull up at a service station, select the black pump and promptly fill your motor bike tank with diesel?

OK, you may be one of the few who owns a diesel bike but I’m guessing the vast majority will answer with a resounding “NO”.

And what if you did fill the tank with diesel? What would happen? It certainly wouldn’t end well. You know as well as I that you have to put the right fuel in to get maximum performance.

So why is it so many of us “make do” when it comes to fuelling our own bodies?

Eating at the wrong times, too much of the wrong things (OK they taste good!), grabbing chocolate bars to fill the gap because we haven’t got time to eat properly. The list goes on.

It stands to reason that to get the best performance from anything it is necessary to follow the makers recommendations. We didn’t come with a manual but it’s pretty obvious that anything that isn’t natural or is filled with additives isn’t going to be the best fuel for us.

Apart from the long term health issues of eating the wrong things, such as obesity, diabetes etc in the short term there’s probably not too many major problems in ordinary every day life. But…

…for us bike riders it’s a different matter. There are so many potential hazards on the road, not to mention car drivers who aren’t 100% concentrating as they munch on chocolate bars in their closeted cabins.

Can Food Help With Concentration

It’s been proven that some foods can reduce concentration while others can provide a short term boost so it is essential you are aware of this particularly if about to set off on a long ride.

Simply put, make sure you know enough to reduce the risk out on the road.

Here’s a list of foods that may help you concentrate

And you can find out more about Bikers Fit here


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